
I'm Andry A. Rakotonjanabelo, and I'm an impassinated learner in Computer Science, Psychology and the world!

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About me!

Here are a few things about me.

My story

I am a junior at Gettysburg College studying CS + Psychology (+ minor in Data Science). I come all the way from Madagascar to the US to further my studies and take advantage of opportunities to grow as a person and a student. I love travelling to expand my horizons and see new places and descovering new arts and sciences. I spent most of my life growing in Madagascar and had the oppportunity to attend an English school (Vision Valley School) that eventually enabled me to come to the U.S for my college studies.

Fun fact

I love cooking and walking in gardens!

To take breaks from my computer, I like to go on walks and reconnect with nature.

A picture of me at Miami Beach Botanical Garden.

My Experience

I initially started to program around the age of 12 when I wanted to make games using Game Maker Studios. I learned JavaScript and other common languages using online resources like Khan Academy.

Upon starting college, I started learning Java and Object-Oriented Programming. After completing introductory classes in programming, I was able to quickly learn languages like C++ and Python.

After my sophomore year, I completed Google's STEP internship this past summer, where I got to take part in Google's Android System and Intelligence team.

Currently, I am working as Teaching assistant for one of the introductory classes in the Computer Science department. I also am the President of the ACM chapter of our college. I enjoy spending time helping students grow their interests, knowledge and skills in Computer Science and Technology!

Follow me at my LinkedIn.

Related Works

Here is a list of some of my works:


Here are a links to my Social Media: